Water sports for young people's physical activity
  • foto ragazzi di Adel con manifesto WOW
  • foto di ragazze sulla spiaggia di Pesaro che trasportano una canoa in acqua
  • foto di ragazzi con canoa a Pesaro
  • foto di ragazzi sommozzatori che salutano in piscina a Pesaro

Dissemination actions

Dissemination actions are all activities aimed at changing people’s attitudes and perceptions about the sea, encouraging them in a dedicated and lasting water sport practice.

Presse releases with local newspapers was assured at local level emphasizing the Sport for all Fests and the Sport for all path camps. The international dissemination was also guaranteed  thanks to short videos and the following clips which testify the living experiences of the above events.

"Be active, embrace a water sport!"is a clip to promote water sports. Principally focused on scuba diving practiced by the young participants in the Sport for all Path camp in Italy (2018), the clip is focused on children and their opportunity to be active through water sports.

With a clear reference to the name of the project the clip “Don't try to stop the waves, practice a water sport!” encourages sport sampling because more options mean more kids will find a water sport they like.

The dissemination activities, spread using the branded gadgets with WoW/Erasmus+ logos, are classified for target audiences.

  • People area: Young generations; Citizens in general (adults and youth)
  • Sport area: Water sport area; Coaches
  • Institution area: Schools

People area

Young generations
1312 school-aged children (Bulgaria: 515; Spain: 319; France: 217; Italy: 182; Slovakia: 79) directly involved with questionnaires, investigating the inclination and motivation of young generations in favor of watersports.
76 school-aged children (Bulgaria: 12; Spain: 19; France: 15; Italy: 15; Slovakia: 15) directly involved in the water sports practice during the summer camps.

Citizens in general (adults and youth)
About 1.990 citizens involved in waters sport approach and practice during the Sport for all Fest.

Pesaro (IT)
15-17/09/2017, n. participants: 200; water sports/activities promoted: Sailing, Rowing, marine culture, boat floating
12/05/2018, n. participants: 50;  water sports/activities promoted:Boat floating
14-15/09/2018, n. participants: 200; water sports/activities promoted:    Sailing, Rowing, marine culture, boat floating,  water  safety techniques

Bratislava  (SK)   
10/09/2017, n. participants: 40; water sports/activities promoted: Rowing
30/09/2017, n. participants: 40; water sports/activities promoted: Rowing

Nancy (FR)
02-03/09/2017, n. participants:    120; water sports/activities promoted:    Rowing, Indoor Rowing Techniques
01-02/09/2018, n. participants:    140; water sports/activities promoted:    Rowing, Indoor Rowing Techniques

Varna (BG)
29-30/12/2017,     n. participants: 450, water sports/activities promoted:    Diving, Kayaking/Canoeing, Rowing, Sailing, Synchronic swimming, Water polo, Wind/kite surfing, SUP
29/09/2018, n. participants:    500, water sports/activities promoted:    Diving, Kayaking/Canoeing, Rowing, Sailing, Synchronic swimming, Water polo, Wind/kite surfing, SUP,  Underwater fishing

Getxo Kirolak (ES)
16/09/2017, n. participants:    50, water sports/activities promoted:    Diving, Kayaking, Paddle surfing, Sailing
08/9/2018, 09/23/2018, 03/10/2018: n. participants:    200, water sports/activities promoted:    Diving, Kayaking/Canoeing, Paddle surfing, Sailing

Sport area

Water sport clubs: 35 sport clubs (Bulgaria: 11; France: 1; Spain: 9; Italy: 8; Slovakia: 6) involved along the WoW life time in a lot of way: LIC meeting and the KLAB participation, the Sport for all Fest and Sport for all Path’s organization.

Coaches: 25 Coaches (Bulgaria: 5; France: 8; Spain: 4; Italy: 3; Slovakia: 5) involved through questionnaires aimed at investigating the time dedicated to training sessions and competitions.

Institution area

Schools: School sport as part of school physical education has a vital role in the education of  young  people and a close collaboration with these institutions guarantees long-term effects in waters sports sustainability.  22  schools involved through  the  questionnaire  focused on strength/weakness points  in choosing a water educational project.