Water sports for young people's physical activity
  • foto ragazzi di Adel con manifesto WOW
  • foto di ragazze sulla spiaggia di Pesaro che trasportano una canoa in acqua
  • foto di ragazzi con canoa a Pesaro
  • foto di ragazzi sommozzatori che salutano in piscina a Pesaro

Sport for All Fest Pesaro - September 2017

On-site sailing techniques
On-site sailing techniques

The first Sport for All Fest 2017 took place in Pesaro on the weekend between September 15th and 17th.

A great beach party where many people had the chance to approach and  practice rowing, canoeing and sailing and many other fitness sports promoted simultaneously by the “Pesaro in Fitness, Sport Food & Wellness” event.

Excellent collaboration among the sports associations belonging to the Pesaro Local Interest Coommitte. The event, organized by Pesaro Municipality, was also supported by the Società Canottieri Pesaro, the Nautical Club Pesaro, Velocity Made Good Pesaro and L'avventura Pesaro.

Specific seminars were organized to disseminate Wave on Wave project and the best practices present in  Pesaro.




Photogallery Sport for All Fest Pesaro 2017

Banner with WoW logo
Banner with WoW logo
Detail of WoW banner
Detail of WoW banner
Sailing practice
Sailing practice
Canoe ready to go
Canoe ready to go
Baia Flaminia beach
Baia Flaminia beach
Baia Flaminia beach
Baia Flaminia beach
Practice on the sea
Practice on the sea
Practice on the sea
Practice on the sea
Practice on the sea
Practice on the sea
Sport for All Fest Agenda
Sport for All Fest Agenda
Sport for All Fest Seminars
Sport for All Fest Seminars