Water sports for young people's physical activity
  • foto ragazzi di Adel con manifesto WOW
  • foto di ragazze sulla spiaggia di Pesaro che trasportano una canoa in acqua
  • foto di ragazzi con canoa a Pesaro
  • foto di ragazzi sommozzatori che salutano in piscina a Pesaro

KLAB - Varna - March 2018

Welcome to Varna! Opening speech
Welcome to Varna! Opening speech

The second KLAB was hosted by the Yacht Club "Cap. G. Georgiev - Port Varna " (Bulgaria) from 6th to 9th March 2018.

It was participated by 10 people belonging to the LIC environment: Sport Clubs (FR, IT, SK, BG) and School (IT); dissemination among the local Bulgarian sport stakeholders was guaranteed.

The KLAB was meant to present the results achieved thanks to the Sport for all  Path and review the common strategy on the 3 topics of Wave on Wave project. To this extent, LICs presented also the results achieved with the Sport for All Fests organized in each country and the state of art of the local implementation of the common strategy. An action plan for the organization of the second Sport for All Path and the testing of the strategy reviewed has been drafted accordingly.
Local water sport best practices were shared; revision and implementation of criteria for the selection of kids were revised and for the organization of subsequent Sport for all Path in Pesaro (August 2018).

Download the agenda and the report of the 2nd KLAB

The venue

WoW flag
WoW flag
Meeting room
Meeting room
Notebook and calendar
Notebook and calendar
YC “Capt. Georgi Georgiev –Port Varna”
YC “Capt. Georgi Georgiev –Port Varna”



The working sessions

First day
First day
Second day
Second day
Presentation wow
WoW introduction

The volunteers

Welcoming moment
Welcoming moment
Gift flower for all partners
Gift flower for all partners
Welcoming cake
Welcoming cake

Networking moments

The sailing visit
The sailing visit
The flower gift
The flower gift
Tour visit around Varna
Tour visit around Varna